Florianopolis Concierge
Floripa Concierge Service

Your Insider Track to Florianópolis, Brazil

Since Florianópolis is not an easy place to navigate (even for those who speak the local language!), our vacation rentals include access to useful information tailored for international travelers and on-site property management to make sure that you experience the very best that Floripa has to offer, while minimizing any potential hassles along the way.

Our Floripa rental properties include maid service, a local cell phone and access to sightseeing tips, restaurant & nightlife recommendations and activity information to make sure you're always pointed in the right direction while in Florianópolis. With our personal touch and unparalleled dedication to customer service, rest assured that you'll be in great hands staying in one of our Florianópolis vacation homes.

All of our Florianópolis holiday rentals include an “Insider’s Guide to Floripa,” containing insider information and recommendations on nightlife, restaurants, activities, sightseeing, language and cultural nuances, as well as other basic information you should know upon your arrival in Brazil. There are many gems spread around the island, and our Insider's Guide will ensure that you experience them from an insider's perspective.

Additionally, we offer a variety of optional add-on services to make you feel even more at home during your stay in Florianópolis, including:

  • Personalized airport transfer: $40 dollars per car $50 dollars per van (recommended for groups of 3 or more arriving with luggage).

  • Rental car: awaiting you at your residence, $60 dollars per day (including all taxes & local insurance).

  • Breakfast service: delivered to your residence, hearty and healthy Brazilian style breakfast, $12 dollars per person.

  • Massage therapy & spa services: offered just next door to your residence, prices from $50 dollars per 1 hour session.
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